P.O. Box 243
02/24 Visiting Norway with an ultra-light aircraft
Foreign pilots wishing to visit Norway with an aircraft registered as an ultra-light aircraft should take note of the following regulations based on national regulation Bestemmelse for sivil luftfart 4-8 forskrift om sportsflyging § 7-1. This includes aircraft operating under the category of manned aircraft exempted from the basic regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of article 2 (3)(d) and article 2 (8) and Annex 1 1(e).
All visiting pilots are urged to read the VFR guide for Norway.
1. Permission requirement:
a. A foreign registered ultra-light aircraft can only be used in Norway with permission from the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway (Luftfartstilsynet).
b. Luftfartstilsynet may impose conditions for granting this permission.
2. General exemptions from permission requirment:
Temporary stay and use:
Subject to all of the following conditions, no permission is required for a temporary stay and use of the aircraft from an EFTA or EU member state:
a. The pilot must have the right to use aircraft radio and hold English language proficiency at level 4 or higher according to regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011.
b. The pilot must have training and valid flight crew licence in accordance with national regulation of an EFTA or EU member state.
c. The aircraft must be airworthy and have valid insurance in accordance with national regulations of an EFTA or EU member state.
d. Temporary stay and use are defined as limited to 30 days within a twelve-month period.
For further details or to apply for permission, please contact the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway.