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Viser treff 129 til 136 av 136
NF-1106 Application for validation of Flight Crew License - Commercial Operations
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)NF-1105 Application for validation of Flight Crew License - Non Commercial Operations
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)NF-1087 E Application for LAPL based on PPL/CPL/ATPL
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)NF-1081 E Duplicate – Application for a PART Flight Crew Licence
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)Change of name – Application for the issue of a new FCL-Licence
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)Change Competent Authority to Norway
11.05.2018 - Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter), Pilot fixed wing (fly)NF-1044 E Report on passed OPC/PC
11.05.2018 - Pilot fixed wing (fly), Pilot rotorcraft (helikopter)Bakgrunnssjekk
Her finner du alt du trenger å vite om hvordan du søker om bakgrunnssjekk.
09.04.2018 - Flyplass, Cabin Crew, Security